Zakat literally means a certain property which is obligated by God to be given to the mustahik mentioned in the Koran. It also meana a certain number of certain property given to a particular person choosen as eight groups of people those are allowed to receive zakat. It describes a number of property taken from the wealth of the tithe. Zakat means to purify Muslims wealth and to help people those are in need.
Zakat in the Quran and Hadith is sometimes referred as charity. Allah explains in Qur'an, "Take the zakat (alms) from their property (from the rich), the charity that you cleanse and purify them and pray for them, because your prayers will be peace for them" (Surah At Tawbah, 103). Mu ^ adh ibn Jabal reported that Muhammad PBUH when dispatched to Yemen said, "Tell them (people), that God has obliged them to pay zakat (alms), from the rich treasure that will be given to the poor among them." (Hadith is presented by many narrators).
There are two kinds of Zakat:
1. Zakat al-fithri:
It is the special zakat obligated for every male and female muslim to be paid in the time of ramadhan.
The word al-fitr means "pure". Zakah al-fitri is an obligation to
complete all worships done along ramadhan to purify muslim from the
sins. See this article for details.
2. Zakat Maal (wealth/property).
Zakat maal (wealth) is zakat for the result of commerce, agriculture, mining, marine products, livestock products, finding treasures, gold and silver. Each type has its own calculations and Nisab.
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