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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

What is Zakat al-Maal (Zakat of Wealth)

According to the terms, Zakat al-Maal means something that is paid for the trade income, agriculture, livestock, gold, silver and income. Zakat is paid if it has met nisab or limit the wealth amount that caused a Muslim has to pay Zakat. According to Islamic law, the definition of wealth is something that can be owned by the individual

According to the Islamic Jurisprudence, something can be called as a property or wealth if it has two conditions, namely:

1. Can be owned, collected or stored by a person
2. Can be used or taken advantage, like livestock, cars, and gold

The wealth must suits these criteria to be obligated for Zakat namely: 

  1. Owned in full. That is, the property is entirely owned by a person, instead of collectively owned property.
  2. Treasure that must be paid as Zakat must  be obtained through lawful or permitted by religion. 
  3. Property is developed or has the potential to be developed
  4. Has reached the limit of Nisab . 
  5. Owned more than 1 year
Property owners do not currently have debts that exceed the amount of property owned.  

There are several kinds of wealth that must be paid as Zakat, including:

  1. Gold and Silver
  2. Livestock
  3. Agricultural
  4. Treasure
  5. Revenue
  6. Mining products


Ditulis Oleh : irsyad Hari: 08:10 Kategori: